Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Mini-Miracle

On June 14th, 2019, I returned home from Mayo Clinic, radioactive.  I found my bedroom transformed into a beautiful, peaceful, flower-filled spa room, and heard tales of my friends gathering in prayer to bless the space, and the healing to take place there.    Here are what the daisies looked like on that day:

Well, here it is, over a month later, and you know what???  Here is what those daisies look like after five weeks:

What the WHAT??? 
Cut flowers do NOT last 5 weeks, people.  They just don't.  I'm lucky if I can get something to stay fresh for a week.  

I believe that all that grace that filled my little spa room spilled over onto these daisies.  And THAT is a really good sign.  Obviously my room was filled with life and love!

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