Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I Believe....

The upcoming national election, and a few brief conversations with friends, have got me thinking about what my personal "platform" is in terms of our country.... what values, beliefs, hopes, dreams, thoughts do I have regarding the United States of America. To be a responsible voter, I really should pick the person who I feel can best represent THESE specific things. There's not going to be a candidate that agrees with Monica Aho 100%, I realize that... but when "interviewing" for the job of President, I suppose it's my responsibility to really clarify my own stances about things. For myself. So that's been on my mind, and this is what I've come up with....

I believe....

In the sanctity and dignity of all human life, at all stages of life, and all conditions of life. From conception to natural death, including the abled and disabled, all life is precious, a gift from God, and to be protected. No one is expendable.

That our country was founded on the concept that all men are CREATED equal, and that all members of society have equal OPPORTUNITY to create the life that they want for themselves. This does not mean that everyone will BE equal - financially, or otherwise- but rather that every person has the opportunity to work hard, to become educated, and to better their own lot in life through perserverance, talent, ingenuity, and self-discipline. Those opportunities for betterment should be protected. Everyone's status in life is not, and shouldn't necessarily be, the same as everyone elses.

That, when assisting members of society, it is far more beneficial to provide a "hand up", rather than "hand out". Give a man a loaf of bread, he eats for a day. Teach him how to farm, he can provide for himself forever.

There is evil in this world, and our country MUST forever recognize this fact realistically, and choose actively to be a beacon of light and hope to the world.

In pragmatic stewardship of the environment. Our natural resources are limited and precious, and a source of great pride - another gift from God. They need to be utilized appropriately and responsibly. But I believe they SHOULD be utilized.

Our society is obligated by God to protect the most vulnerable amongst us - the unborn, the young, the elderly and the disabled. Those who make bad decisions, as knowing adults, need to be accountable for their own actions. Those whose condition is, through no fault of their own, vulnerable - those who are unable to protect themselves - require our help. I believe that even the disabled have something to add to society, and can contribute to their ability.

In personal responsibility, and that the role of government is not to "take care of" the people, but rather to represent the common interests of society as a whole. That includes defense, education, infrastructure, safety of the citizens, protection of individual rights, and maintenance of common, public land. Beyond that, government's role should be limited.

Taxes are the people's money, pooled together to achieve the above goals of government. It is not inherently "the government's money". It should be used responsibly, and with fiscally sound practices. If there is a surplus, it should be returned to the people.

In a strong, but fiscally and morally responsible, national defense. I fully realize that Freedom Isn't Free, and that military might is at times necessary to protect our country.

In freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. Religion should not be publicly imposed on citizens, but neither should it be ignored or, worse yet, villified by government. A free society respects that it's people have varying belief systems, and it rejoices in the freedom of all to practice those beliefs, so long as they do not impinge upon the rights of other individuals. "Impinging upon the rights of others" does not include "offending others" by virtue of displaying outward signs of one's own religion. I believe that the Founding Fathers, when drafting the concept of separation of Church and State, were more worried about government corrupting religion than vice-versa.

Separation of the branches of goverment - executive, judicial and legislative. Each has it's role, and great care must be taken so that those boundaries are not over-stepped.

In the rule of law, and strong enforcement of those laws. The death penalty should be rare, and reserved for extreme circumstances only. The government acts as a representative for society on the whole in such cases, and we all bear the responsibilities for such public executions..

Immigration reform. Our nation was built on immigration. Problems exist, however, when foreigners enter the country illegally, breaking the rule of law. If we need them as workers, then there needs to be legal and efficient ways of allowing them into the country for work. If they entered illegally, there needs to be consequences for that. Deporting 12 million illegal aliens is not an option. Creating a physical barrier to keep them out is a symptomatic band-aid, not a cure. Finding ways for foreginers seeking a better life to enter the country LEGALLY, if in the best interest of our economy, needs to be streamlined. Keeping people out who wish our country harm (terrorists, drug dealers, etc.) needs to be a top priority as well.

Gun ownership is a right, but has nothing to do with "sports and recreation". It has everything to do with protection of one's self, family, and property. Obtaining guns through legal means does not impede on this right. Laws governing guns can be appropriate, so long as they do not impinge on the right of responsible citizens to protect themselves and their property.

Education is the foundation of our economy and our future. Increased general funding does not necessarily translate into a better quality of education. Teachers who are well-qualified and teach because they are talented and love to teach are imperative. Scholarships attracting the best and brightest to education, and merit salary increases for teaching based on student performance and results will reward those teachers that are best at teaching. School districts need standards and accountability, with increased funding for increased achievement (achievement can be measured by academics, percent of parental involvement, decrease in drop-out rates - many different aspects of successful education, not just test scores).

That the family unit of man-woman-child is the core of our society. Individuals form family units, family units form communities, communities form states, and states form countries. There are other living arrangements, but the most stable unit is that which has been the anthropological grouping of human kind throughout all of history. This is not imposing my religious beliefs or morality on anyone else. It is how we are created, how the species has perpetuated and protected itself throughout time, in every culture, in every location, in every time period, for as long as human beings have been human beings. Aberrations to this unit have been found, but they have always been recognized as just that -- aberrations to the "norm". I have no problems with "civil unions", where any one individual may bestow rights of survivorship, buy a house, or share life with any other person of their choosing - and what they do in private is up to them, their conscience, and God. I do have a problem with marriage as being defined as anything other than what it always has been. The word "marriage" has already been taken, and has already been defined, long before any of us were here.