Thursday, January 30, 2020

Thought for the Day: Love

"God cannot cease to love me. That is the most startling fact that our doctrine reveals. Sinner or saint He loves and cannot well help Himself. Magdalen in her sin, Magdalen in her sainthood, was loved by God. The difference between her position made some difference also in the effect of that love on her, but the love was the same, since it was the Holy Spirit who is the love of the Father and the Son. Whatever I do, I am loved. But then, if I sin, am I unworthy of love? Yes, but I am unworthy always. Nor can God love me for what I am, since, in that case, I would compel His love, force His will by something external to Himself. In fact, really if I came to consider, I would find that I was not loved by God because I was good, but that I was good because God loved me. My improvement does not cause God to love me, but is the effect of God's having loved me."

Fr. Bede Jarrett

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Monday, January 27, 2020

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Francis Chan is starting to get it.

This video shows an awakening.  He's starting to get it!!  Prayers that the Holy Spirit continues to work in him!

Thought For the Day: The Big Picture

"For He became man that we might become divine; and He revealed Himself through a body that we might receive an idea of the invisible Father; and He endured insults from men that we might inherit incorruption."
— St. Athanasius of Alexandria