Saturday, July 6, 2019

Jesus Shock

Peter Kreeft is one of my favorite theologians and authors.  I just re-read the book "Jesus Shock" for I think the third time, but the first time in several years.  Needless to say, I got out my little pencil and was underlining EVERYTHING in there.  He is utterly correct.  HOW can we claim to be Christians and go on about our every day lives as if that's no big deal?  If what we're confessing to believe is TRUE, how does that not impact every little thing in our lives?  How can our lives be boring or plain or typical, if this is true????

I have to admit, I am blessed with many friends and family with a sincere faith, and I am incredibly thankful for that.  But I also have to admit feeling frequently like "the crazy one", the one who "takes this religion thing a little too far".  Like it's a hobby I'm obsessed with, and not the reason for existence.  Not that I am any holier than anyone else.  Not that.  Just... if it's TRUE, then why are we not all "the crazy ones?"  If we truly believe what we say we believe, how can we be NORMAL?  Because it is 99.99999999999999% unbelievable, this Christianity thing, and yet, we all claim to accept it like it's not a big deal, when it TOTALLY IS.  And that should generate a whole lot of passion, not platitude.  Not comfort. Not normalcy.   It should be wholly UNCOMFORTABLE, and discombobulating, and off-kilter.  It should change EVERYTHING!  Kreeft gets that.  And revels in it.  And reminds me of this fact, every time I read this book.

Kreeft says something in the book that sticks with me every time I read it.  He talks about how we shouldn't just know about Jesus.  We shouldn't just believe in Jesus.  It's not all theology.  It's not all dogma.  We should know Jesus, body, blood, soul and divinity.  Not just spiritually as "my personal Lord and Savior," although He is that.  But concretely, in the matter in which He gives Himself to us in the Eucharist.  Mind blowing.

GO FORTH, and get thee "Jesus Shock" by Peter Kreeft, fellow kindred spirits! Or borrow mine!
And feel free to make your own little notes in the margins.....

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