Friday, March 3, 2017

Phase 5: Commenced, and prayers answered

Phase 5 has commenced without a hitch!!! 

Despite our recent snow, and the recurrence of c-diff into my world, and the mad scramble to figure out IF radioiodine could happen, and HOW it could happen without utter misery... today went off without a hitch.

THANK YOU GOOD AND GRACIOUS GOD!!!!!  Prayers abundantly answered!!!

Thank you to the brilliant pharmaceutical company that invented that life-saver Imodium AD!  Thank you to my husband, who drove me five hours round trip!  Thank you, Portage Health, that got lab results back in time for me to start antibiotic treatment in a timely manner!  Thank you, Rob's foresight, that thought a camper trailer would be a really great thing for our family to own two years ago, which happened to come in REALLY handy today!  Thank you, great earth's atmosphere, for cooperating with sunny skies and clear roads!  And thank you even to my body, which has been in revolt for 9 long weeks, but which actually decided today to cooperate by feeling just fine to make the trip. 

And thank you too, all you friends and family, for praying on my behalf.  GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS, and we couldn't have asked for today to go off any better!!!  I was a tad worried there this morning, when we received news that the kids' bus was running 45 minutes late (and we were planning on leaving right after their normal departure time), but we made it to the hospital with 15 minutes to spare, so PERFECT TIMING! 

All easy-peasey, lemon squeezy.  And so, here I sit in my "spa getaway" bedroom, recently showered, sucking on lemon drops and guzzling water, feeling better than I have a in a good long while, feeling just incredibly hopeful and thankful that all went well, and will continue to go well, and I SEE AN END IN SIGHT!!! 

THIS IS HOW IT WAS INTENDED TO GO, and.... guess what??  IT DID!!!  WOW!

Gratitude and hope.  Those are dang good feelings.

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