Monday, August 12, 2013

Pondering on a Monday about... Bats

Bats, at least New World, nocturnal bats, do not see in color.  They use echolocation to "see", rather than vision (light bouncing off a retina), and as such do not "see" as we do, and certainly not in color.  In the bat-world, then, color does not exist, because they do not perceive it. Furthermore, a bat lacks the intellect to even imagine color.  That does not mean that color does not exist, but that the organism itself lacks the ability to perceive and understand some truth outside itself. You and I know, however, that when light waves bounce off a physical object and enters into our eyeball, our brain perceives color.  So WE know that color exists, because we are constructed to perceive it and interpret it.  WE are aware of a natural truth, because we have the capacity to do so.

SO.... thinking once again about how the perceptions and capacity of the creature impacts their ability to know what is TRUE about REALITY.  If an atheist purports that God is not real because He cannot be proved by science (what can be proven and perceived by our senses)... that argument is commeasurate to a bat saying that color does not exist because he is incapable of perceiving it.  The limits of the creature have nothing to do with REALITY.  To claim otherwise is extremely limited, biased, and unscientific thinking - the very thing that the atheist purports to abhor.

The really interesting thing about bats?  Their eyes have recently been found to have rods AND cones.    Bats have the capacity  to see color, and have daylight vision, but do not use it.    They rely instead on a sense of "vision" that works very well for them - but only when in the dark.   Evolutionarily, way back when... bats could see in color and they could potentially see in color again.   They have the capacity  to perceive light if it was honed and used.  But they have evolved in the night.

Do I really have to point out the metaphor there???  You "see" it, right?

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