Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Phase Three

I feel like I'm entering a new phase in the health drama.  Rebuilding.  Restoring.  Preparing.

Surgery was December 26th.  Phase one was "vocal cord paralysis" and "recovery from surgery".  It lasted pretty much 3 weeks.

Phase two was "sheer hell, immunocompromised", with c. diff, pseudomembranous colitis,  a kidney infection, a respiratory infection, and a yeast infection... simultaneously.  The worst of it lasted pretty much 3 weeks, much of which was spent flat on my back in bed, or on the toilet, or with my head in the toilet.  This was my Rock Bottom.

Phase three is "recuperation".  I feel half way decent for the first time since Christmas.  Still have a remnant of a cold, the remnants of gut issues.  But I feel human again.  Out of shape, flabby, weak.    Pale.  But human.  With a voice that is audible, with the ability to talk and walk and not gasp.  With enough energy to stay out of bed the majority of the day.  So now I work hard on my health, building my immune system, cleansing my liver, getting back to exercise and movement.  I have one week until Phase four hits, and I need to be ready... most people have a month to get ready physically for Phase four.  I have a week.

Phase four is "hypothyroidism".  Not just a little low, but the deep plunge to zero.  Starving my body of all thyroid hormone, and all iodine.  This phase includes lethargy, weakness, hair loss, weight gain, depression, joint pain and stiffness, hoarseness, poor temperature regulation, heavy periods, and dry skin, among other things.  At the same time, I will start the low iodine diet, eliminating all dairy, chocolate, seafood/sea based products, iodized salt, eggs, and cured meats.  As I'm still trying to build up my immune system from the hit it took during stage 2, and will take again in stage 5... I also need to avoid any raw fruits and vegetables, rare meats, and well water/ice. 

Phase five: Radioiodine treatment.  Liver and kidneys need to be in shape for this, because it's their job to filter out the radiation to be expelled.  Immune system will take a hit, so needs to be built up enough that C-diff does NOT come back.  Isolation for a week, followed up by a PET Scan.  Low Iodine Diet will continue for the first few days, and then can resume eating normally. 

Phase six: Either... DONE AND NORMAL (with follow ups every six months), or mets found and more surgery/radiation.  We're planning for option 1, but in stage 3 papillary cancer, the chances of that are 50/50.  Right now, I'm planning for a March 10th "celebration and return to life as we know" it date.  But I'm smart enough to prepare myself mentally for option 2.  If it rears it's ugly head, I won't be blind sided. 

It helps me to see it all down in black and white like this.  Makes it more manageable.  More "wrap my brain" around-able.  Just doing the steps, preparing for the next phase, so that life can resume.  This family will get there.  Just have to persevere and prepare.  And pray pray pray.

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