Tuesday, October 3, 2017

It's a Mad, Mad World

Is the world going crazy?  I think so.  Really.  I do.  In the past month alone, between three major hurricanes, wildfires, earthquakes, school shootings, dark-web hacks, dictators lobbing ICBM's, and mass murders for no apparent reason, (and then TOM PETTY DYING), it seems like one crisis can't even end before the next one pops up, worse than the last.  What is happening to our country? We are so unstable right now as a nation, it's hard to get our feet underneath us, and find firm ground. 

And still, "Hail Holy Queen" runs through my head non-stop.  But, after hearing the prayer being said by an 8 year old girl last Sunday, I realized that the version in my head had an incorrect word.  I had been repeating "To thee do we cry, poor abandoned children of Eve."  And that's not right.  It's not "abandoned", but "banished".   Poor banished children of Eve.  That one word makes all the difference!  What a crucial, horrible mistake I've made in my head!   

Yes, we are banished from the direct sight of God.  It's abundantly evident that we no longer live in Paradise with Him.  We ARE banished, to this insane, troubled place.  But we are NOT ABANDONED.  Through it all, even in our sinful, topsy-turvy world, He will not leave us.  Not for a second.  His love prevails, His church gives us the solid footing we so desperately need.  We are held.

How could I have made such a mistake, even subconsciously???

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