Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Colby, at our Mother's Day luncheon with the family today, unexpectedly launched into a long description of a recent dream that he had.

Colby:  "Mom, I dreamt that we had two babies instead of one, and that she was like you and was an identical twin."

I stopped cold.  What was he talking about?

Me: "So, this was your dream?"

Colby: "Yeah, but it seemed really real.  Not just like a dream.  There were two babies, and they were identical and looked exactly alike, but one lived with us, and one lived in a house in the woods."

Me: "Was it me and Aunt Elle?  People used to say we looked alike."

Colby: "No, it wasn't her.  It was our baby that looked like you, and she had an identical twin, who lives in the woods now, in a house."

I gave a pointed look across the table at Rob ("are you hearing this???"), but he couldn't make out the conversation above the noise.  I was flabbergasted.

What Colby DOESN'T know, because I don't think we ever discussed it with him, and he was 3 years old when it happened, so he COULDN'T know (could he?) - is that Reagan was an identical twin, and we miscarried her sister early on in the pregnancy.  We DID have "two babies", and one DOES live with us, and the other doesn't.  The other thing that struck me is that he didn't say the baby was REAGAN.  He called her "the baby that looked like you".  A few years ago before Reagan was born, I had an autistic boy predict her birth, down to the month, by saying that we'd have a "girl who looked like you", to be born in November.  Colby used the same phrase, which I found odd.  Obviously the little girl in his dream didn't look exactly like Reagan looked now, because he equated to her looking like ME, not Reagan.  And even though he kept talking about "two babies", his description led me to believe that they were older girls that he was seeing in his dream, because a baby wouldn't look like ME in a six year old's dream.  He had already said earlier in the day that he wondered what I looked like as a child, because he had no idea.  He wouldn't have recognized someone who looked like me as a child.  He WOULD recognize someone older, who looked like I do NOW.  Am I making any sense at all?  I'm sure I'm analyzing this too much, but it just makes me go "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm".

In all honesty, I really felt like I was just wished Happy Mother's Day from our little girl up in Heaven.  See, she's okay! Living in a house in the woods, and talking to her brother at night while he sleeps.  Sweet girl.  I can't wait to meet you someday.

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