Tuesday, May 17, 2011

From the Mouths of Babes, Redux

I know I've said this before - lots of times - but it happened again.  My child popped off with a Biblical truth that surprised the pants off of me, because it was profound and completely unexpected.  The scenario?  Riding in the car, all three kids in tow, listening to the radio.  This is what Quinn says from the back seat....

Quinn: "Mom, it's really true that we don't always understand what we're saying and doing when we go to church."
Mom: "Uh, yeah."
Quinn: "I know something that we say that alot of people don't understand... what it means to be 'born again'."
Mom: (utterly surprised at the entire conversation) "You're right Quinn.  Alot of people don't know what that means, even if they think they do."
Quinn: "I know what it means."
Mom: "You do?"
Quinn: "Yes.  We become 'born again' when we become a child of God."
Mom: "Yup.  When does that happen?"
Quinn: "When we're baptized."
Mom: "Exactly."

I am the fist to admit that my children are FAR from holy.  Mischieveous, yes.  Over-exuberant, yes.  Holy??? Not so much.  BUT, they continue to amaze me at the level of their understanding, and at the simplicity and profound TRUTH of their faith.  They GET IT, in a way so many adults don't.  And they're only six.  And it's really not because of anything I taught them.  They just KNOW somehow.  And it pops out at the most unexpected times.

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