Tuesday, November 10, 2009

An Encounter

Odd, what happens in the check-out line at Walmart sometimes. Today, as I was loading my groceries on the belt, I noticed a book on angels and miracles amongst the People magazines and National Enquirers. I picked it up briefly, glanced at it, and then put it back on the shelf, going about my business. A few minutes later, an elderly gentleman behind me did the same thing. Then, he tapped me on the shoulder.

"Do you mind if I tell you a story about a REAL angel encounter?" I told him I didn't mind at all.
He then proceeded to tell me that he was a crisis chaplain for the military. He was counselling a man who had been in the elite forces in Cambodia years ago, a group of 31 men sent to capture Pol Pot. They never got him, but captured (and beheaded) several of his hench men. Upon their return to the states, all but 5 of those men died from self-inflicted injuries - suicide, drugs, alcohol. This man that he was counselling was one of the last five left, and he had contacted this chaplain because he wanted him to preach at his funeral. He was planning on committing suicide in the near future, and was making his arrangements. The chaplain called a friend, and together they prayed that angels would protect this man from harm until he had a chance to know God. Two days later, he received another call from the vetran. He said that he had been out in his field, riding his tractor, when the tractor went over an embankment and rolled. Twice. On top of him. It was heading for a third time - a blow that would surely have killed him -- when a large, bright figure stopped the tractor. Just as it was about to crush him. This man was not a believer, and he was afraid to tell anyone about what had happened to him, afraid he was going insane. So he called this chaplain - the one he wanted to preach at his funeral. The one who had prayed not two days earlier for angels to protect him. And the one who is now leading this man to know his Father.

The man behind me in the Walmart check out line had tears in his eyes as he told me this story. I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. So I muttered something about "WOW", and then kept unloading my groceries. There was awkward silence on both our parts, but I kept feeling like I needed to say MORE. After a few minutes had passed, I turned to him.

"Well, I believe in angels, too. My son was miraculously healed. His kidney." And then I had tears in my eyes, too -- talking to this perfect stranger about precious, private things. He just looked at me, and said "I don't normally talk to people about this stuff, but the Holy Spirit prompted me to talk to you. You are a believer?"

"Yes," I said. He nodded.

"This world needs all the believers it can get right now."
I agreed. And then there was nothing more to say, and I paid the cashier, gathered my children, and left.

One can truly encounter God anywhere. Even in Walmart.

1 comment:

Emilie said...

What an awesome story! (I never have neat things happen to me at Walmart.)
seriously though, I do know that my grandparents are gaurdian angels for my boys! They help them sleep at night. When I pray to them, the boys fall right to sleep!