Saturday, August 7, 2021

Status Update, 4.5 years in.....

 Went to Mayo for my 6 month follow up.  Wasn't nervous at all this time.  Expected "same ol' same ol'", and am fine with that.  Turns out, though, that my tumor marker actually went DOWN to 1.4, which is the lowest it's ever ever ever ever been!!!  The ultrasound showed again that the one node they can visualize hasn't grown, and isn't well-vascularized, so overall, GREAT news!  The doctor was super pleased by these results.  So pleased, in fact, that he said "This is as close to a cure as you might get", and then told me we didn't have to follow up for 9 months.  If at that time, things still look good, I don't need to come back for a whole year.  Super cool.

Good news feels pretty awesome.

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