Sunday, April 11, 2021

What I Learned from my Grandpa

 My Grandpa Phil was a dear, upright, honest man who I loved very much, and miss every day, even 21 years later.  He died April 24, 2000, at the age of of 81 years old.  I was recently cleaning out a closet and found the program from his funeral.  In it, I had written the following, and I'm copying it here so it doesn't get lost.


1. Kiss anyone who walks through the front door, just in case they're a grand kid.

2. Everyone can have the nickname "honey".

3. Reminisce often.

4. Always get a good night's sleep.

5. When you pray, pray from the heart.  It's okay if you tear up.

6. Do the dishes after every meal.

7. Every family gathering is a photo opportunity.

8. People's names may come and go, but music will stay with you forever.

9. Be generous to a fault with those you love.

10.  Say "I Love You" often.

11. If you can't remember whether you've said good bye or not, say it again.  You'll get another free kiss out of the deal.

12. The meal's not done 'til you've licked the plate clean.

13. A daughter is never too old to call you "daddy".

14.  Live and enjoy each moment as it happens.  It really doesn't matter if you remember it later.

15. Love Jesus with a humble and gentle spirit.

16. Never miss a chance to dance at a grandkid's wedding.  Eighty year olds can still boogie (they just get bursitis afterwards). 

17.  If you can't remember something, just smile and admit it.  "I don't remember things as well as I used to". 

18.  Catch a wink of sleep wherever and whenever you can get it.

19.  Always put your family above anything else.

20.  If you've loved and lost, don't be afraid to love again.  God just may fill the void with another "soul mate".  

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