Saturday, January 9, 2021

From The Mouths of Babes

 If we thought 2020 was bad... 2021 is starting to one-up it, and it's only been around for a week and a half.  Tensions in the country are running uber-high, the pandemic proceeds as it will - even with a vaccine - and many businesses are struggling.  Quite frankly, our country is a mess at the moment.  An utter mess.  Thankfully, though, school began again for the kids this past week, which means that I get to be back working face-to-face with kids, which is how I prefer it.  

I asked one of the kids I see for therapy how his Christmas break was.  He was full of tales of Legos and new watches, and being out on the frozen lake.  It made me smile.  The darkness hadn't encroached on his little world, and that made me happy.  We were walking along the school hallway, he in his walker, coming up to maybe my upper thigh - me towering above him, bending down to try and here his quiet voice muffled behind his mask.  And then he stopped, looked up at me, and said in his high-pitched way...

"Did you see the Star of Bethlehem right before Christmas?  It hasn't showed up in like 800 years.  But it came this year!  I know it was cloudy so we couldn't see it so well, but it was still there.  And it was God telling us that Jesus is still here with us, that He'll never leave us!"

It was so out of the blue, so unexpected, and so what I needed to hear, that I had to turn my head so he wouldn't see that I had started to cry.    And then he went back to talk of Legos and school, and other mundane things, completely unaware of how he had just pierced my heart.

God talks through these little ones.  He really does.  And He hasn't left us alone, even in 2021....

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