Thursday, July 16, 2020


The word "Freedom" is bandied about a lot, and I feel like the majority of us assume it means to be able to do whatever we want.  Freedom in Christ, however, I think it's a completely different thing.  I've had people tell me that religion is full of "rules" and "don'ts", so how can that be freedom?  How can living according to the 10 Commandments be "doing whatever I want"?  That doesn't make sense, and seems like an outright contradiction.  So why do we call following Christ a Freedom??

I keep having this image in my head of a helium balloon.  Unencumbered, that balloon rises straight up to the sky, immediately, easily.  It is free.  Sin, however, are the rocks tied to the balloon - weighing us down, separating us from the natural pull of grace (helium!) in our lives.  It keeps us from our destiny, which is being with God.  The winds of temptation can blow us off course.  But virtue keeps us from accumulating rocks.  Confession relieves us of the stones weighting us down, allows us the freedom to continue on our path. 

Such a simple analogy, but apt, I think.  Freedom is a balloon!

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