Saturday, April 6, 2019

Another thought. Stress.

We've had some stress in our lives these days.  The normal stressors, sure, but then... bigger stressors.  Fear.  Unknown.  Health issues.  Relationships.  Stress.  And it's effecting my husband's health, in a very real way.    So, that got me thinking about stress in our lives, and how we handle it.

I was talking to a friend the other day, and she said something profound that stuck with me. We were talking about how overwhelmed we get with stupid things like getting kids to extracurricular activities, and keeping up with housework, and making sure homework is done, and how all of these are very much first world problems and NOTHING in the big scheme of things. And she said “I feel like our bodies are designed to feel stress. It used to be the stress of staying alive, the stress of survival... for all of human history until the last few generations. And now we seek out that stress in other ways because are bodies are programmed for it, even though we don’t need it for survival anymore”. How true this is!  And why are we not aware of it?!  Is this part of what we’re allowing to happen to ourselves as a society?  If we have food and shelter and security, do we then subconsciously feel like our lives depend on how much money we make, or how others see us on social media, or how we look?? Because we’re programmed to think that we have to survive in SOMETHING, and that something is no longer food, shelter, and security? Those in the past knew unmistakably that they were largely helpless against the forces of nature, and that survival depended on our reliance on a holy and protective God.  Now our reliance is on ourselves. 

  I don’t know. All I know is it feels like an ugly attack from the great deceiver to me, and we’re all falling for it.

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