Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Summer Goals: Reclaiming my body

2017 was just rough on this middle-aged woman's body.  I gained WAY too much weight, what with the removal of my "metabolism" organ, and the messing up of my ovaries.  My goal for this summer is to take my body BACK.  As such, I have signed up for two road races, and have begun jogging again!    YAY me!

I am woefully out of shape.  Worse, my stridor comes back when I run, and I have a really difficult time breathing.  It's pathetic. Paralyzed vocal cords apparently aren't ALL the way healed.  I have been able to jog (very, very slowly) a distance of about 1.25 miles continuously - on a good day - before having to stop to walk to catch my breath.  That's not going to get me to the finish line.  But training is early, and I have consulted with my wonderful speech therapist co-worker, who in turn consulted with a respiratory therapist.  They have given me activities and exercises to try to manage and improve.  With the use of an inhaler, I should be able to push things farther.  I have hope.

My goal for this summer - get my body back.  Get in shape.  Lose weight.  And jog like I used to before December of 2016!!  Then I feel like I can truly put it all behind me!!

Come on body!  We can do this!!

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