Sunday, March 20, 2011

Rerun of a post from 2008. Because I've been thinking alot about such things lately.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Makes me Wonder

My interpretation of this conversation I had with Colby may be overly "Catholic" of me, but it really DOES make me wonder. So here's the scenario... yesterday after school, I was TRYING to get overly tired four year olds to take a nap. So I, too, could take a nap. I let them lie on my bed, and I had the tv on while I was feeding the baby. I was looking for something BORING that they wouldn't be interested in. I settled on the Catholic channel, where there was a show (in SPANISH) on Our Lady of Guadaloupe. I don't know if you all know that story... if not, you can read about it here Synopsis: an Aztec Indian by the name of Juan Diego saw the Virgin Mary in the 1500's, who told him to tell the bishop to build a church. She told him to fill his cloak with roses (which suddenly appeared) and take them to the bishop. When Juan Diego unfurled his cloak (tilma) to the bishop, the image of Mary was imprinted on the inside. This cloak almost single-handedly converted the native Aztecs in Mexico - more than missionaries ever could. Massive Christian conversions - in the hundreds of thousands - in the few years after it's appearance, and ended human sacrifice in Mexico. This cloak still exists, and is on display in Mexico. Anyways. That's the story, and this program was about modern day Mexicans celebrating and worshiping in the church where the cloak is. It didn't retell the story, just showed pictures of people singing and praying, and even if it HAD, the whole show was in SPANISH. So that's the scenario, when the tv flashes a picture of the Tilma (cloak).

C: "Mom, who's that?"

M: "Mary".

C: "She came out of the picture."

M: "What?"

C: "She came out of the picture."

M: "What do you mean, Mary came out of the picture?"

C: "She was a person. Like you. She came out of the picture."

M: "Why did she do that?"

C: "Because she loves EVERYBODY."

Now, I have not told my children anything about Mary besides the nativity story and that she was Jesus' mother. WHERE did THAT come from? There were other pictures of Mary on this program, and Colby would ask who they were, but when the show returned to the picture of the Tilma (cloak), he said it again....

"Mary came out of the picture!"

Sometimes I think God speaks through children. And sometimes I think kids are a little more in touch with the spiritual world than we realize. It really makes me wonder.

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