Thursday, January 13, 2011

Faith of A Child

When the boys were little, they would at times say things that made me think they had a spirituality, an understanding, beyond anything I could've taught them.  As they've grown older and "smarter" about the world, these precious relevatory moments have become less and less frequent.  Well, today, my 2 year old Reagan did something that shocked me.  Reagan has a mild verbal apraxia, which means that she has difficulty forming new words, leading to a speech delay.  She's in speech therapy, and getting better, but learning new words does not come naturally for her.  Her language is primarily gibberish at this point.  This morning, though, as I was laying in bed with her, reading my Catechism, she pointed to the picture of Jesus on the cover, as if to ask who He was.  I said "Oh, that's Jesus".  She looked up at me, still smiling, and said perfectly clear "JESUS".  Then she KEPT pointing, KEPT smiling, and continued to say "Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus".  When I nodded, and tried to get back to my reading, she emphatically shut the cover, pointed again at the picture, and kept saying it "Jesus!  Jesus!"  Like she recognized Him, and was just thrilled to be able to put a name to Him at last.   Like they were long lost friends, whose name she had never known.   So crazy.  Just humbles and amazes me  to recognize how God speaks to and through even the tiniest child.  To realize that, even though I have a responsibility to teach my children about God, they often already know and recognize things before I have taught them.  I'm just reinforcing something they already inherently know, because they are so very fresh from the hand of God.  Because they are so precious in His sight.

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