Tuesday, November 30, 2010

An Exercise

I'd love to hear what anyone comes up with for this. A scenario and an exercise....

OK.  Let's imagine that YOU are a  geneticst and microbiologist in a newly-developing country.  You are brilliant, even though you aren't well-known.  In the course of your research, you discover that a cohort of yours has engineered a virus that can evolve slowly over time to wipe out all of humanity.  This evil cohort has his reasons, but basically, he feels that humans are the cause of everything bad, and need to just eventually go away.  You do some calculations on the rate of mutational change in this virus.  2000 years, give or take.  Then, WHAMMO.  No more humanity.  It's inevitable.  It's going to happen. 

Only YOU have discovered this impending doom.  It's more than a little hard to believe, and it's so far in the future... who would care?  So you work tirelessly to figure out a way to stop it.  You research, you test, and ONE DAY, you discover that the cure is something astounding... your own DNA.  YOU just happen to have the EXACT genetic code to  divert impending doom.  But it can only "cure" the virus in 2000 years, when the virus is fully mutated.   There's no one else in all of history with YOUR exact DNA.  Only YOU  have the answer to save the world.

What do you do from here?  Those people, 2000 years from now, need to know how to combat the destruction that's coming.  That's a long time, and you can't count on civilization looking like it does today.  Society's collapse... they have before, and they will again.  You can't rely on electricity, computers, the internet.  Technologies change and become obsolete.  You can't know what language people will speak at that time.  This is not time-capsule stuff.  This information has to be OUT THERE, in order to do it's job.

What would you do?


Anonymous said...

Well, fortunately we serve a sovereign & omnipotent God who has and will control all of men's destiny's till his return. Therefore IF this was part of His master plan then there is no way to stop it. If it is not part of his master plan then he will provide the solution. So my response and answer would be...PRAY LOTS!!!!
That probably was not the kind of answer you were looking for, huh?


Monica said...

Let me extend the scenario a bit further, and if you have time, answer the question again with that in mind.... Let's say you feel strongly that God is calling YOU (by nature of your genetic code) to avert the catastrophe - that He has chosen you to be the instrument of His hand to avert this impending disaster. Knowing that He will guide you along the way, what specific things might you think you would do to translate the infromation forward?