Thursday, May 22, 2008

A Meditation

This is something I wrote several years ago, while camping in a wilderness area. It was a beautiful, quiet day, surrounded completely and utterly by nature, and I felt very close to God. I wrote this letter to myself to remember the feeling, so I wouldn't forget.

In between the green filtered light and shadows of trees, underneath the songs of birds, above the tickle of the river, just this side of the aroma of lupines and pine.... there.... THAT is where it is found. It is here but not here, a shiver outside what your senses tell you. But be sure of this. It is REAL. Feel the warmth of the sun on your face, the faint breeze that kisses the back of your neck. You know it is real. So, if you go to find it, sit quietly, close your eyes, breathe deep and just listen. Just wait. Just BELIEVE. There you will be, to the tiniest degree, in the presence of the kingdom of God.

Once you have seen and experienced, it will be incomprehensible that you had not thought to seek before. You will not fathom that anyone could NOT want to be in this place, in this presence. You have caught a glimpse of something you could find only by closing out everything else. Getting rid of the stuff that clutters the mind and ultimately has no meaning, no bearing whatsoever on this pure life. You now have been here, to this place of ultimate forgiveness, unbounded love, and true peace. Remember it! Because in our concrete world, the knowledge of it quickly fades, forcibly pushed out by the details of our every day. Go back as often as you can, stay long, cherish each instant. Move deeper and deeper each time, don't be content to stay at the entryway. You have been offered a glimpse of the truth -- that which is to come, that which is struggling to take hold in the hearts of a billion souls. Nurture. Fan into flame. Walk the narrow path. Believe.

It is REAL.

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